Deal or Devotion – Sakam vs Nishkam: What Sri Vidya Reveals



Sri Vidya, a profound Tantric path, promises extraordinary spiritual and material attainments. Yet, the path to Siddhi, or mastery, is not merely a matter of diligent practice. The underlying motivation, or the bhava with which one approaches the sadhana, is paramount.

Srividya Sadhana, a revered spiritual practice, holds profound significance in leading practitioners from the mundane to the divine. Central to this sadhana are the concepts of Sakam (self-centered) and Nishkam (selfless) approaches, which determine the practitioner’s journey and ultimate attainment. The essence of Srividya Siddhi (manifestation) lies in the Nishkam approach, which is considered the true path to achieving spiritual fulfillment and divine grace.

The Philosophy of Sakam Sadhana

आज के आध्यात्मिक जगत में सकाम साधना की एक गलत धारणा प्रचलित है, जिसमें लोग यह सोचते हैं कि एक निश्चित संख्या में मंत्र जप या हवन करने से निश्चित परिणाम प्राप्त होंगे। इसे mechanical approach कहते है जिसमें साधना को केवल गणना तक सीमित कर दिया जाता है, जैसे कि ईश्वर से व्यापारिक लेन-देन हो रहा हो, जहाँ देवता से अपेक्षा की जाती है कि वे संख्या के आधार पर आशीर्वाद देंगे।

लेकिन इस प्रकार की व्यापारिक मानसिकता, श्रीविद्या साधना के सच्चे अर्थ से बहुत दूर है। भगवान कोई व्यापारी नहीं हैं, जो निश्चित संख्या में अर्पित की गई आहुतियों के बदले वरदानों का आदान-प्रदान करें। न ही वे कोई भूखे हैं, जिन्हें हवन के माध्यम से तृप्त करके कुछ प्राप्त किया जा सके। इस प्रकार की सोच एक सीमित और सतही आध्यात्मिक समझ को दर्शाती है, जहाँ ध्यान का केंद्र इस पर रहता है कि हमें क्या मिल सकता है, न कि सच्ची भक्ति और समर्पण पर।

वास्तविक आध्यात्मिक साधना में प्रगति केवल कर्मकांडों की पूर्ति से नहीं होती, बल्कि ईश्वर के प्रति शुद्ध भाव, सच्ची भक्ति और पूर्ण समर्पण ही साधक को सच्ची उन्नति की ओर ले जाते हैं।

The Philosophy of Nishkam Sadhana

निष्कामानामेव श्रीविद्यासिद्धिः।
न कदापि सकामानामिति ॥ १॥

This ancient adage emphasizes that Srividya Siddhi can only be attained by those who practice Nishkam Sadhana. Sakam Sadhana, on the other hand, is seen as a diversion from the true path, as it aligns more with worldly desires and attachments.

The Teachings of Narayana in “Saubhagya Lakshmi Upanishad”

Bhagwan Vishnu, in the “Saubhagya Lakshmi Upanishad,” imparts crucial wisdom regarding the nature of Srividya:

“Shri Vidya reaches those only who are worthy to keep it and who are in desperate need of it. Whosoever learns Shri Vidya, if they be worthy, shall possess the powers of Shri Yantra.”

These teachings underline the importance of worthiness and purity of intention in the pursuit of Srividya. It is not merely the knowledge or ritualistic practice that grants siddhi (accomplishment) but the practitioner’s intrinsic qualities and devotion.

Nishkam Sadhana – The Path from Māyā to Mahā-Māyā

A crucial distinction between Sakam and Nishkam Sadhana is their relationship with Māyā (illusion) and Mahā-Māyā (supreme reality):

  • Sakam Sadhana:

    This approach is driven by self-centered motivations, seeking personal gains, recognition, or material benefits. It keeps the practitioner entangled in Māyā, as the actions are rooted in desire and attachment. It is a “Path Bound by Desire.” Practitioners of this path are driven by the expectation of specific rewards, be it wealth, health, power, or liberation. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with desire, when it becomes the primary focus of spiritual practice, it can be a significant obstacle. Such a mindset can create an imbalance, drawing the practitioner into the realm of Maya, the illusionary world of duality. The focus on personal benefits can obscure the true nature of the Divine and hinder spiritual growth.

  • Nishkam Sadhana:

    This selfless approach involves performing sadhana without any expectation of rewards. This is the “Path of Selfless Devotion”. In stark contrast, Nishkam Sadhana is performed without any expectation of personal reward. The practitioner offers their devotion wholeheartedly to the Divine, seeking nothing in return. This selfless attitude aligns the seeker with the nature of the cosmos, where everything is offered as a sacrifice to the Supreme Being. It is dedicated to the service of the divine, specifically Devi Durga, and leads the practitioner from the illusions of Māyā to the higher reality of Mahā-Māyā.

The Superiority of Nishkam Sadhana

Nishkam Sadhana is considered superior in Srividya because it aligns with the true essence of spiritual practice:

  • Selflessness:

    It embodies the principle of selflessness, where actions are performed solely for the divine, without any personal motives.

  • Purity:

    It enhances purity of mind and soul, essential for receiving and retaining the powers of Srividya.

  • Divine Connection:

    By transcending personal desires, practitioners establish a deeper connection with the divine, facilitating the flow of divine grace and blessings.

Srividya Sadhana, when practiced with a Nishkam approach, holds the key to true spiritual accomplishment and divine manifestation. The teachings of Bhagwan Vishnu and the distinction between Sakam and Nishkam Sadhana highlight the importance of selflessness, purity, and devotion in this high-level spiritual practice. Through Nishkam Sadhana, practitioners can transcend the illusions of Māyā and attain the supreme reality of Mahā-Māyā, thereby achieving Srividya Siddhi.

While Sakam Sadhana might lead to temporary gains, they are often accompanied by unforeseen consequences. Nishkam Sadhana, on the other hand, brings about a lasting transformation and opens doors to a realm of infinite possibilities.

In conclusion,

the journey of Sri Vidya is not merely about mastering rituals and mantras. It is about cultivating a heart filled with devotion, surrender, and selfless service. By embracing Nishkam Sadhana, the seeker accelerates their spiritual progress and increases their chances of attaining Sri Vidya Siddhi.
Remember, while Nishkam Sadhana is emphasized, it doesn’t negate the importance of other aspects of Sri Vidya practice. Regular rituals, mantra japa, and adherence to ethical guidelines are essential components of the path.

Content by: The Priest Team